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The advancements in GSR examinations over the past 40 years have led to improved analysis and more reliable results. Further, the communication among GSR analysts, especially via the Internet, is making difficult  interpretation easier to understand by instantly sharing research and developments. This open communication has led to the recent formation of the Scientific Working Group for Gunshot Residue (SWGGSR). Consensus among scientists performing GSR analysis is becoming a global reality. The SWGGSR conists of an international conglomerate of experienced scientists who conduct research and issue guidelines for GSR investigations, examinations, reporting, and quality assurance to help GSR analyses and results become better understood and more reliable.

SWGGSR Mission Statement

The mission, goals, and structure of the SWGGSR committee were established by organizational meetings of laboratory analysts held at the FBI in June 2005.

The mission of SWGGSR is to make recommendations for internationally accepted guidelines for the forensic examination of gunshot residues.


The mission will be accomplished by:

  • Promoting professional development in gunshot residues analysis;

  • Providing a means of information exchange within the forensic science community; 

  • Providing guidelines for gunshot residues investigations, examinations, and reporting; 

  • Performing collaborative exercises; 

  • Specifying requirements for analysts' knowledge, skills, and abilities;

  • Establishing quality assurance guidelines; 

  • Gaining National/International acceptance  of SWGGSR guidelines.

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Become a member

Please read our Bylaws to find information about your organization's eligibility for membership in SWGGSR.

If interested in being a member, please complete the member 
application form and email it to SWGGSR membership committee chair, Mike Martinez

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